Flowers from Sudan
The following collection of flowers is a selection from the book Flowers From Sudan: A Photographic Field Guide to the Common Floristic Composition of Selected Areas in Sudan, by Dr. Ikram Madani.

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Sudan’s landscape is rich in various flora and fauna. The diverse climate is home to a huge array of flowers.
The following collection of flowers is a selection from the book Flowers From Sudan: A Photographic Field Guide to the Common Floristic Composition of Selected Areas in Sudan, by Dr. Ikram Madani. These plant materials were collected during the period 2015-2024 from different states: White Nile, Red Sea, River Nile, Blue Nile, Kassala, and Northern States.
In this collection, local, common, and Latin names of all of the plants are included, in addition to the growth habit and a short botanical description for each. The collection focuses mainly on flowers, as they are the most important part of plant identification.
Voucher specimens from some of this collection were deposited in the Herbarium of the Sudan Natural History Museum and the Herbarium Department of Botany, University of Khartoum. Confirmation for identification was done by consulting relevant floras and publications. Names have been updated according to World Flora Online (2024).
Nymphaea lotus
Plant type
Wild, Native
Kosti- White Nile state.

Annual aquatic herb. Rhizome creeps in mud. Leaves ovate-circular, deeply cordate, coarsely dentate, 15–20 cm in diameter, floating; petiole cylindrical, glabrous, long. Flowers solitary, with 4 outer green segments, 12–14 petals, numerous stamens, large, white. Fruit globose-compressed, fleshy, ripening underwater. Seeds globose, numerous.
Lavandula coronopifolia
Plant type
Wild, Native
Erkowit- Red Sea

Perennial shrub. Stem and old branches are reddish-brown,Young branches tetragonal, greenish-reddish. Leaves bipinnate. Inflorescence in long terminal spike. Flowers blue, tubular, bell-shaped, fragrant.
Ipomoea carnea
Plant type
Introduced, Invasive
Ad-Damazin- Blue Nile state

Perenial Shrub. Stems branched, terete or angular, stout, becoming sparsely lenticellate with age. Leaves petiolate, ovate or ovate-oblong, densely puberulent, base cordate, margin entire, apex acuminate, mucronulate. Inflorescences few to several flowered; peduncle stout, bractiolates. Sepals ovate, rounded, equal or inner ones longer. Corolla lilac or pink, darker inside, funnel-form, stigma 2-lobed. Fruits pale brown capsules. Seeds black, brown, pubescent.
Argemone ochroleuca
Plant type
Wild, Non-Native
Erkowit- Red Sea

Annual prickly glaucous herb. Young stem whitish purple. Prickles with broader base. Leaves sessile, alternate, with sharp yellowish spines on the margin, midrib and the veins . Flowers solitary axillary, white or creamish white, becoming yellowish on fading, sessile or on a short pedicel, Sepals 3, obovate oblong, . Petals 6, obovate, Ovary ovate covered with long pointed spines. Stigma deeply dissected, 5 lobed, reddish brown . Capsule oblong with sharp, erect prickles. Seeds black, with fine reticulae.
Combretum aculeatum
Plant type
Wild, Native
Ad-Damazin- Blue Nile state

Evergreen shrub. Stems often climbing or with lax branches, bark grey or dark red. Leaves alternate or subopposite, elliptic or obovate, base cuneate, apex rounded to shortly acuminate. Flowers in short, axillary racemes, white, broadly lanceolate and clawed, stamens with orange anthers. Fruit stalked, pale yellow or pale reddish, 4-winged.
Sudan’s landscape is rich in various flora and fauna. The diverse climate is home to a huge array of flowers.
The following collection of flowers is a selection from the book Flowers From Sudan: A Photographic Field Guide to the Common Floristic Composition of Selected Areas in Sudan, by Dr. Ikram Madani. These plant materials were collected during the period 2015-2024 from different states: White Nile, Red Sea, River Nile, Blue Nile, Kassala, and Northern States.
In this collection, local, common, and Latin names of all of the plants are included, in addition to the growth habit and a short botanical description for each. The collection focuses mainly on flowers, as they are the most important part of plant identification.
Voucher specimens from some of this collection were deposited in the Herbarium of the Sudan Natural History Museum and the Herbarium Department of Botany, University of Khartoum. Confirmation for identification was done by consulting relevant floras and publications. Names have been updated according to World Flora Online (2024).
Nymphaea lotus
Plant type
Wild, Native
Kosti- White Nile state.

Annual aquatic herb. Rhizome creeps in mud. Leaves ovate-circular, deeply cordate, coarsely dentate, 15–20 cm in diameter, floating; petiole cylindrical, glabrous, long. Flowers solitary, with 4 outer green segments, 12–14 petals, numerous stamens, large, white. Fruit globose-compressed, fleshy, ripening underwater. Seeds globose, numerous.
Lavandula coronopifolia
Plant type
Wild, Native
Erkowit- Red Sea

Perennial shrub. Stem and old branches are reddish-brown,Young branches tetragonal, greenish-reddish. Leaves bipinnate. Inflorescence in long terminal spike. Flowers blue, tubular, bell-shaped, fragrant.
Ipomoea carnea
Plant type
Introduced, Invasive
Ad-Damazin- Blue Nile state

Perenial Shrub. Stems branched, terete or angular, stout, becoming sparsely lenticellate with age. Leaves petiolate, ovate or ovate-oblong, densely puberulent, base cordate, margin entire, apex acuminate, mucronulate. Inflorescences few to several flowered; peduncle stout, bractiolates. Sepals ovate, rounded, equal or inner ones longer. Corolla lilac or pink, darker inside, funnel-form, stigma 2-lobed. Fruits pale brown capsules. Seeds black, brown, pubescent.
Argemone ochroleuca
Plant type
Wild, Non-Native
Erkowit- Red Sea

Annual prickly glaucous herb. Young stem whitish purple. Prickles with broader base. Leaves sessile, alternate, with sharp yellowish spines on the margin, midrib and the veins . Flowers solitary axillary, white or creamish white, becoming yellowish on fading, sessile or on a short pedicel, Sepals 3, obovate oblong, . Petals 6, obovate, Ovary ovate covered with long pointed spines. Stigma deeply dissected, 5 lobed, reddish brown . Capsule oblong with sharp, erect prickles. Seeds black, with fine reticulae.
Combretum aculeatum
Plant type
Wild, Native
Ad-Damazin- Blue Nile state

Evergreen shrub. Stems often climbing or with lax branches, bark grey or dark red. Leaves alternate or subopposite, elliptic or obovate, base cuneate, apex rounded to shortly acuminate. Flowers in short, axillary racemes, white, broadly lanceolate and clawed, stamens with orange anthers. Fruit stalked, pale yellow or pale reddish, 4-winged.