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Pottery vessel in the shape of an ostrich, with up-curving spout, small wings and a tail. It is in the ‘black-topped red ware’ tradition of the bowls and beakers, distinctive pottery of Krema. The vessel was found in debris left by robbers from two adjacent tombs in the Kerma cemetery, one including a child burial. It was associated with a toy dagger and so may have been a pottery toy for a child, collected by Dr. Reisner's Exc. 1914
Sheikan Museum collection
Pottery vessel in the shape of an ostrich, with up-curving spout, small wings and a tail. It is in the ‘black-topped red ware’ tradition of the bowls and beakers, distinctive pottery of Krema. The vessel was found in debris left by robbers from two adjacent tombs in the Kerma cemetery, one including a child burial. It was associated with a toy dagger and so may have been a pottery toy for a child, collected by Dr. Reisner's Exc. 1914
Sheikan Museum collection